Frequent questions
Is VLC the best player for Android?
VLC is one of the best movie, series, and video players for Android. It competes with apps such as MX Player by offering tons of options, versatility, and great performance. Downloading the VLC APK is a sure bet.
Can VLC download movies?
No, VLC cannot download movies. VLC is a simple player for multimedia content saved on your device. That said, you can download subtitles for the content you have saved.
Is VLC blocked in any country?
The VLC website has been blocked in India since March 2022 by order of the country's government. The exact reason for this is not known. Luckily, you can download the VLC APK from websites like Freedown and continue using it without a problem.
Is VLC free?
VLC is a free media player for Android. The program is open source and offers all its features to users free of charge. It's also compatible with any video or audio format.
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